Zum Symposium 2012
entstandenes Werk von Antonio Piras »

Biographisches zu Antonio Piras »
Born on 06/04/1967 in Serramanna (Cagliari)
Self-taught painter and sculptor, using mixed techniques, experiment with different materials and recovery while maintaining the figurative manner. Over the years I have participated in many solo and group exhibitions, extemporaneous, in Emilia Romagna and I just point out some of the last 10 years: 2012 February- 50° Exhibition of Ceramic Art Foundation Enaip S. Zavatta di Rimini Summer Extemporaneous; »I giovedì dell‘arte« a Riccione (RN) – »The Thursday of the art« in Riccione (RN) – extem poraneous in Santarcangelo with cultural association »San tarcangelo dei pittori« 2011 February – 48 ° Exhibition of Ceramic Art Foundation Enaip S. Zavatta di Rimini Zavatta Rimini – Extemporaneous: Summer »I giovedì dell‘arte« a Riccione (RN) – »The Thurs day of the art« in Riccione (RN) – extemporaneous in Santarcangelo with cultural association »Santarcangelo dei pittori« – Exhibition at the International Fair of Contemporary Art Forli 2 to 5 November with the Research Institute of Bologna Cirnet 2010 February -48 ° Exhibition of Ceramic Art Foundation Enaip S. Zavatta di Rimini Zavatta Rimini August- Solo exhibition at the »Torre Saracena« hall spon sored by the Municipality of Bellaria 2009 From March 1 to 7 March – Solo exhibition at the palace dell‘Arengo Municipality of Rimini – hall of Arches 2008 December – First award by the Municipality of Rimini – Department of Equal Opportunities for the Best Group Exhibition »The Motherhood« 2007 November – Exhibition at the International Fair of Contem porary Art in Forlì with Gallery Coppedè 2006 Personal Exhibitions of paintings – at the »Beccherie» hall in Santarcangelo di Romagna; -»Masking« – exhibition sponsored by the Department of Culture of the Municipality of Rimini at the hall of the Arches – Palace Arengo in Rimini