Zum Symposium 2012
entstandenes Werk von Kostopoulos Kleomenis »
Biographisches zu Kostopoulos Kleomenis »
Date of Birth 22.2.1973, Place of Birth, Patra, Greece Studies 2003-01 Postgraduate studies at National Academy of Fine Arts, Stuttgart, in the area of Painting. 1998-93 Studies at University of Fine Arts, in Athens. Major in Painting. Graduated 29/30. Development of Studies 2003-01 Postgraduate studies at National Academy of Fine Arts, Stuttgart,in the area of Painting, at Atelier Pr. Marianne Eigenheer. 1998-96 Studies at Atelier of D. Mitara in the area of Painting. 1997-95 Studies at Atelier of S. Gianoudi in the area of Icons and Fresco. Major in Icons and Fresco. 1995-94 Studies at Atelier of J. Valavanidis in the area of Mosaic. Major in Mosaic. 1995-93 Studies at Atelier of R. Papaspirou in the area of Painting. Projects 2004 Apr.-Aug. Permanent assistant in the Olympic Games »ATHENS 2004« creative 2004 department. Mainly, I was worked in the artistic preparation and production of »Clepsydra«, which in the Opening cere mony, was representing the unfolding of the Greek History. 1999 Sept. Planning out and organizing a complete cultural drawing in the frames of »PATRA Cultural Capital of Europe 2006«. The subject of proposal was concerned with the implementation and administration of a Pan-Hellenic festival with new artists from all the forms and kinds of arts. The proposal was became acceptable from the committee of D.E.P.A.P. (Local Mayoral committee).