Zum Symposium 2012
entstandene Werke von Yavor Venchev Petkov »

Biographisches zu Yavor Venchev Petkov »
I was born on 28th of July 1973 in the town of Vratsa. I graduated from the St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo in 2000 with a degree in Art Pedagogy and a second subject – sculpture with Professor Velichko Minekov and Professor Konstantin Denev. I work as an Art teacher. I took part in the art symposium »Vratsa Fall« in 2003; Vratsa sculpture symposium in 2002. I have a solo exhibition gallery in art club Mila Ganetsovska – 1998; a solo exhibition gallery – Ivan Funev – 1999; National exhibitions – »Land of Botev« with prizes for painting and sculpture from 2003 to 2012; »Spectrum« exhibition gallery in Veliko Tarnovo; »Rafael Mihailov« gallery, Veliko Tarnovo. I work in almost all fields of art.