Zum Symposium 2017
entstandene Werk von Farnaz Rabieijah [IR] »

Kontext zum Werk von Farnaz Rabieijah [IR]: »The Shadow«, Mixed media
I want to represent the situation of today’s human being who has lost his way and he feels incapable of doing anything.
This feeling doesn’t allow him to decide and to distinguish. Although his hands are tied up, he is trying to heal up and keep continuing his way to the nowhere! He doesn’t have any fear because he has nothing to lose.
Biographisches zu Farnaz Rabieijah [IR] »
Born 1981 in Tehran – Iran
Member of the Association of Iranian Sculptors
Education and Awards
2015 Magic of Persia Capital Prize Shortlisted
2012 Winner of the “Best Guest” Prize of British
Art Medal Society (The medal is kept in Coins and
Medals section of The British Museum)
2007 Plant Biology (M.S.), Payam e Noor University, Iran
2003 Biology (B.S.), Tehran Azad University, Iran
Solo Exhibitions:
2017 “Impact of Tangency” Duo Exhibition,
The MINE Gallery, Dubai, UAE
2015 “Cardiac Cycle” Sculpture Exhibition,
Shirin Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran
2012 “Iran” Sculpture Exhibition,
Shirin Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran
weiterlesen: Farnaz Rabieijah CV engl.