Zum Symposium 2017
entstandene Werk von Gergö Lukács [HU] »

Kontext zum Werk von Gergö Lukács [HU]:
» How?«
The nature of fear. Everybody feels it a little bit different. But where is it coming from and where is it going? And especially important: How?
Starts from the toes and slowly goes up in the body?
Or freeze the brain and not let you more?
How does it feel you?
Both of the works are highly inspired by a poem from
a Hungarian poet – Jenö Dsida
Die Natur der Angst. Jeder fühlt sich ein bisschen anders an. Aber woher kommt es und wohin geht es? Und besonders wichtig: Wie?
Startet von den Zehen und geht langsam in den Körper?
Oder friert das Gehirn ein und lass dich nicht mehr?
Wie fühlst Du es?
Beide Arbeiten sind inspiriert von einem Gedicht des ungarischen Dichters – Jenö Dsida

Biographisches zu Gergö Lukács [HU] »
Gergő Lukács is one of the founders and permanent members of company Ziggurat Project, creating interdisciplinary site-specific performances, based in Budapest. In the company, he leads a collaborative art project called Arboretum, which observes and represents the joint work of six artist couples from different fields of arts and ages in Ludwig Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest. The core idea of the project is the knowledge and experience sharing of the adult generations.
Currently studies Commerce and Marketing at Budapest Business School which knowledge he uses in Ziggurat Project and Pro Progressione cultural management company as well. He is also member of Willany-Leó Improvisational Dance Theatre.